miercuri, 15 iunie 2011


The three plagues which have destroyed Romania in the era of fear of comunism: CORRUPTION, DISINFORMATION and NATIVE GYPSY EXPLOSION. Then comunism collapsed but the three plagues have remained and continuously flourished. I find on the internet all kind of wild predictions about Romania. Do Romania will disapper? Strange thing. Why put such a question about Romania? Why not ask whether disappears Hungary? However Hungary is a small country more exposed to the plague of suicide. No one never thinks that Hungarians will disappear from the earth's surface.
I would like to write a novel titled CRUSADE STUPIDITY. I would take a great joy can evoke the Romanians greed of money. They want money above all. They want money not to build something great but to eat. Consumption is destructive disease of romanians. Money is consumer for a supid luxury and imbecile parties to impress others.

2 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

Inainte de a ne delecta cu panseurile tale de 2 lei kilu, invata bine engleza. Nu de alta dar scrii tampenii intr-o engleza de tot rasul.

Iuliana M spunea...

Este important sa te faci inteles si doamna Ghirvu s-a facut inteleasa pe deplin, nu pretinde ca e o teza de doctorat. Nu te obliga nimeni sa citesti lucruri care te depasesc, sunt destule site-uri pentru oameni limitati, data viitoare cel putin ar trebui sa ai curajul sa-ti asumi ceea ce spui si sa nu mai postezi sub protectia anonimatului...